domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Applying for a job

When you look for a new job or you want to change actual job for a better one, you must know simple and very important rules about manners and etiquette  when you have a job interview.
Some relevant rules to consider if you are looking or applying for a job are the following:
When you make your curriculum vitae, remember to write important points about your career or experience in other jobs, besides you never should indicate skills or abilities that you don’t have such as writing a false academic grade. This document should be clear, true and concise.
On the other hand if you are selected for an interview, the clothing is an important point to consider, clothing should be formal and appropriate for an interview. The best option for women is a blazer with formal shoes, hair up, simple jewelry and little perfume. For men it is recommended to use a suit, formal shoes, little perfume, short hair and to be well shaved.
Also during the interview the first impression is important. Some things to consider are the vocabulary to use, say at all times the truth, you must show interest in the job and use a respectful and courteous manner with the interviewer.
One important tool when you look for a job is the internet. With this electronic tool you can send several curriculums to many companies, so you become yourself a telemarketer. Never forget to write and say the truth as well as to show your education and good manners at all times.

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